Create Simple Hiring application using Microsoft Power App (No Code) Part2


2. Associate Power Automate using Business Process Flow

We have to determine which Hiring Process  that your company using .For example

A. Candidate Application

B. Upload Resume 

C. Interviews (Question List)  

D. Applicant Assessment  

1. Navigate to Microsoft Power Automate  Make sure you are in same Environment as Power App from previous article (Create Dataverse)

- Create new Business Process Flows

2. Named your flow and Chose a table as  "JobApplicatoin" from  Dataverse.


3. Once the Flow created. System will navigate to Design Screen. Input Display name of first Stage as "Candidate"

4. Under First Stage Select Data Fields Name and Type Step Name as "First Name" *Step Name will default from Data Fields so chose dat fields first if you don't want to rename

4. Add other Data Step by Select Component then drag Data Step to the first Stage

5. Repeat Step 4 as follows Fields

- Last Name
- Email
- Position Apply
-Expectation Salary

6. Add second stage to the Flow by click on component then drag  Stage link to first stage

Input Display name of Stage

7. Complete all Stage and data input by repeat step 5,6 the flow will look like this one.

8. Back to Power Automate screen then Run a Flow

9. Right After run the flow, system is rendering User interface show the 4 stage as a time line. under the Stage there is fields available to key in data  . and Save button at to confirm save the record.