Design Networking infrastructure for enterprise Retail business on Azure

This article is my practice of how to design networking and infrastructure in Azure. The information is for my test lab, not best practice.


The enterprise company is Retail Business. they will have own factory to operate Manufacturing  to supply product for Retail channel the company has 2 Region site  Headoffice in East US and Factory Site in Southeast Asia To

1. Head office 

 handle Accounting & Purchasing Plans business line operations. They using ERP Application Required  3 Ties  Architecture 

and Staff from different departments will be accessed anywhere to use the application

2. Factory Site

    Handle Manufacturing according to demand a plan from Head office. The manufacturing system is required  2 Ties Architecture Factory Site is in  Southeast Asia  

3 Physical Retail Store 

Their store will have a standalone On-premise Database Server in case of the Internet is down then Store can operate OfficeLine Mode for business continues. There is a required to connected with  Replication data service to exchange Inventory data and Sales transactions between Store Database and Headoffice Database

4. Distribution Center (DC)

    For distribution center need to manage logistic handle shipment to Store and Ship to Customer who places an order from company's official Website. So it's required a high-speed connection to data source get real-time confirmed orders and Stockon hand to Receive and Shipment activity

4. - Online Market Place Web Application 


Conceptual design

1. Headoffice 

-    Create  VNet for on East US Region

-    Create Subnet for Web, Business, and Database Tier 

-    Deploy 3 VMs for each zone in Region to increased high availability and for load balancer pool purposes.

-    Deploy Public IP address for frontend Web, allow Head office user access from the internet. 

-    Place Application Gateway to handle Web Trafic frontend 

-    Place Load Balancer Between Web Tier and Business Tier

   Business Ties will connect Azure SQL via Private Link

2. Factory Site

-    Create  VNet for on Southeast Asia Region

-    Create Subnet for Business and Database Tier 

-    Deploy 2VMs for application and Database server

-    Create VPN Gateway Site-to-Site

- Connect Vnet Headoffice to Vnet Factory using  Global VNet Peering   

3. Connect On-premises Retail Physical Store and Build Data Replication service
- Create Site-to-Site between Head office Networking to Onpremis Store using VPN Gateway
- DeployVirual Manchin for Replication Server in Business Tier subnet
- Deploy Retail Staging Database in Database Tier

4.  Connect Distribution Center with Hight Speed connection

5. Web Application

- Implement Web Applications using a Web Service plan for Scalability.
- Deploy SQL Virtual Machin to exchange data with  Web Application in Azure SQL for Update Stock, Product, and Pricing.
- Create a Private Link connected VNet Headoffice 

6. In this step, I have mapped entire parts together in one image. The next Artic I will be going to Deployment Phase and Prove the concept.

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Deploy SAP S4/HANA Instants on Azure workloads

 S4HANA  are available to deploy from Cloud Appliance Libary with 3 Cloud Provider  AWS, AZURE, and GCP

In this article, I will try to create SAP Instant and see how it's working on the Azure side.

1.   Create Account Cloud Appliance Libary

In this article, I will choose Azure as a Cloud Provider and input the Azure Subscription ID .

all resources will create under the subscription

2.   Create instance available (Trial)  

3. Before you confirm please check to cost estimate on your Cloud Provider work Load

4.  Name the Instant

5. Once you confirm create instant. The deployment process is preparing

6. Go to check the azure portal, what going on during deployment

There is 3 resource group has been created.

Under Rescouse group SAPCAL-P2XXX. You will see  2 VMs, disk, Vnet are created.

S4INT-SAP1-VM will use Size E32S_V3

Disk under  S4INT-SAP1

Resource Visualization

 7. Now go back to check SAP Cloud Applicance Libary. The Process will need to startup all service

around 60 minute

Once activation process is complete you will be able to connect Windows Remote desktop VM

8. Connecting VM using RDP. It's will start the welcome page in a web browser to show you user password information.

9. Log on to SAP by click the Icon

10. I use user password form step 8

User: SAP*
Password : The password that I input on create instant from step 2

Log in success

10. Login to SAP FIORI (Web base Interface)

11. Clean-up resources by terminate the instant from SAP Could Appliance library

Migration on-premise ERP(Legacy) to Azure Part 3 : Config VMs scale sets

In case customers need to increase the performance of the Nav application server to handle the high workload during the end of every month.

There is 2 Option to deal with

    A.  Resize the application server

    B.  Scale up the application server (Choose B to apply with Azure virtual machine scale sets)

There is X step to config scale sets

1. Create VMs Image of Application server

2. Create  virtual machine scale sets

1. Create VMs Image of Application server

In Prevoid article. We have already Upload Databases to Azure SQL and config Application Server to connect to Azure SQL 

Now we will build the master image of VMs scale sets by run the system Prepare and capture the application server VM.

capture VM

2. Create  Virtual machine scale sets

Choose Images from the previous step

Under scaling, you can choose Manual or Auto Scale

    In this example, I will choose the Manual scale for the basic scenario, Instant count = 4

Updated:  VMSS Autoscale as follow Link

as you can see the application server has online 4 Instants.

Resource virtualization

When the workload is reduced so you can adjust VMs instants to only one instant to save company cost.

This part 3 is the end of  topic about Migration on-premise ERP to azure
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