In case customers need to increase the performance of the Nav application server to handle the high workload during the end of every month.
There is 2 Option to deal with
A. Resize the application server
B. Scale up the application server (Choose B to apply with Azure virtual machine scale sets)
There is X step to config scale sets
1. Create VMs Image of Application server
2. Create virtual machine scale sets
1. Create VMs Image of Application server
In Prevoid article. We have already Upload Databases to Azure SQL and config Application Server to connect to Azure SQL
Now we will build the master image of VMs scale sets by run the system Prepare and capture the application server VM.
capture VM
Choose Images from the previous step
Under scaling, you can choose Manual or Auto Scale
In this example, I will choose the Manual scale for the basic scenario, Instant count = 4
Updated: VMSS Autoscale as follow Link
When the workload is reduced so you can adjust VMs instants to only one instant to save company cost.